About Me

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This is me,a wife, Mum, stylist to my star like clients and whatever else I can have a go at. Living in Nova Scotia as a British ex-pat has it challenges and rewards so this is an account of my ecclectic magpie soup.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow,snow and what`s in the forecast?More snow!

Since moving to Nova Scotia I have lived through some amazing weather systems but I have to admit this year I am having a difficult time functioning,even on a basic level. Going to work is some days impossible most days a slow crawl off this back road to civilization.So I thought I would share some photo`s of it,might even scrapbook it?(actually, not until the summer when all of this is a distant memory.)

Waking in the dark to a rather eerie scene of snow laden tree branches and that unmistakable sound of a fresh snowfall,complete silence.Not a sound,I know but anyone who has experienced this will nderstand what I mean?So as the light hits the sky we see...(The "bump" in the far right is our van.Hahaha)

.. this was taken early January and nothing has changed since.Its still the same and what is it doing today?SNOWING.Gotta laugh or I`ll cry.
The thing is,everyone keeps telling me,is to keep busy.I read my favourite blogs,www.happymeetsrosie.com,www.serendipitychicdesign.com and so on.I scrapbook and I have 2 books I can start but I so long for the colour green. Happy days my fabulous followers(all 4 of you!)I wonder how people "get" followers?lol

1 comment:

  1. Welcome..I am a new blogger too and have no idea yet?:) The bigger blogs do giveways and inter-connected challenges but if you follow me I will do the same .We can send each other people hopefully?I`ll pop over and check out your blog.Thanks for stopping by.
