About Me

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This is me,a wife, Mum, stylist to my star like clients and whatever else I can have a go at. Living in Nova Scotia as a British ex-pat has it challenges and rewards so this is an account of my ecclectic magpie soup.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Scrapbook and Other Stuff.

Lovely long Easter weekend,5 days off and my first break since Christmas,I so needed it.I have been busy finishing up a lot of loose ends and trying to organize my craft area so it is a little more accessible.Firstly though,I have been making a scrapbook for a co-worker and finally I have it done.I am going to post a few of the 20 pages I have completed.Yes, 20.The one thing I have learned doing a gift book is that you can`t embellish as much as you would like,especially around the photograph.The end result is a lot less on my pages.
"The New Arrival"
Most of the book are double layouts
This one was only for records."M" ( the new mom) went to U C Baby so I made a envelope for her to store her disc and the other page had pockets in the same colour scheme to store papers of some sort.
This is called "A Day In the life of..." I wanted to provide lots of chances for journalling so she doesn't forget the little things as baby "W" grows.
The monkey page is one of my favs because of the sheer fun of the paper.It was the inspiration for most of the colour schemes,browns,reds and a very funky green. Love these monkeys.This paper I found at Michaels.
"Motherhood" page was more of an experiment.I sprayed Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist (Blue Skies) over a paper doilie and liked the effect,it also has a flip page for more journalling or a secret mummy message.Finished with Jenni Bowlin rub ons.(I`m finding it so difficult to find rub ons?)I think it turned out rather pretty and very feminine.

This weekend we also celebrated my beautiful baby boy who turned 13.Now I have 3 teens in the house.Yay me and loving it.We had a good day of being together as a family nothing to exciting but I loved every minute.
and finally a mixed media painting I also completed.I actually sketched this idea first and tried to transfer the idea over to the canvas.I was very pleased with the results because it was all my own idea,a true original.My first.I`m thinking of doing another for Mother`s Day for my own mum and making her hair as red as I remember."In My Mother`s Arms"
Hope everyone has a great week.Now onto a new project.Hmmm?

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