About Me

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This is me,a wife, Mum, stylist to my star like clients and whatever else I can have a go at. Living in Nova Scotia as a British ex-pat has it challenges and rewards so this is an account of my ecclectic magpie soup.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Not a fancy Blog.

Not fancy but still a challenge. Ater moving into our wee home I find I am overwhelmed with what to do with the place. I have so many projects to start or finish , along with the task of settling in. It`s been a month and still I am looking at an empty living room. I had planned on painting it and reupholstering furniture I have picked up along the way. Its ground to a humongous halt and is like having a white elephant in your house. So, task of the day is to organize. List making and maybe a few photo`s to use on the blog at a later date. Even list making is a chore today but if I get it done it might make it a little easier to choose what is priority and what is not. I also have discovered an Aladin`s cave of a shop and it is just within walking distance.Something I will not go into until I have at least 3 projects done...says I? (quiet chuckle to oneself)Aparently, according to my Hubby that knows me so well, it is filled with goodies. Such temptation! Back on track.. list making. Well maybe after my massage.

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