About Me

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This is me,a wife, Mum, stylist to my star like clients and whatever else I can have a go at. Living in Nova Scotia as a British ex-pat has it challenges and rewards so this is an account of my ecclectic magpie soup.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week one of my She Art E-course.

I have loved every minute of this course so far and week two is about to be begin. I am waiting for the time difference to catchup and I open my hotmail to find the anticipated allotment of video`s.So far I have completed 2 canvases and it has taken a week to go through the stages.So, my usual patient self is no where to be seen and resorted to drying things with my travel dryer.Which,by the way, is one of my little light bulb moments.Do not go and invest in a fancy labeled project dryer because it is the same power as a travel dryer, which most of us own and if you don`t they are usually cheaper than a brand named one.
Anyway, back to She Art. Here is my first and second canvas.I am actually nervous about showing them becauseof the obvious errors but we all have to start some where.One of the considerations of this group is to not let fear stop you."LET YOURSELF BE AWESOME"So here goes...."She Had Colorful Dreams"

A little close up..

Here are a few others of my very first one.She has legs that are crooked and I was quite frustrated because I like the rest of it.I showed my son and he said she looks like she`s blowing in the wind.I like his style. So crooked legs an`all I will show my first creation."She Was Happy To Just Be"

Close up of the corner ...

The main thing I learned is not to let crooked legs and "mistakes" stop you.I also found as this is art therapy it will trickle over to life.Not in a big "wow my life is so high right now" but in making things believable for oneself. Keep trying.Small steps.

Now I`m of to see if week two has arrived and more posts to follow.